This is a 24-hour seminar prescribed by the DOLE (among other requirements) for a person to become a Qualified Safety Officer 3 (SO3).   It is a module that enables the participant to be a better trainor, both in oral delivery and material presentation.

Why take the TOT Course?

  • The SO3 will be handling more management work in health and safety, and with it, the OSH training of people.
  • The OSH Trainor should be a good presenter in the sense that he/she must be able to captivate
    their audience, keep them interested, and convey their training material in a systematic method
    to enhance understanding and execution.
  • The OSH Trainor should consequently be a good listener. Reading and interpreting the actions
    and feedback of the audience make for an empathic trainor, being able to adjust to the crowd.

Who can take TOT Course?

  • Candidates for SO3.
  • All Safety Officers (SO2 and SO3) who wish to be better communicators.
  • Company Executives, Training Directors, HR Managers, Department Heads and Supervisors.
  • Marketing and Sales Personnel.
  • COO (Children Of Owners of Family Businesses).
  • Fresh college graduates or college seniors.
  • Those who want to venture into a career in safety.
  • Skills trainors and Instructors.
  • Individuals who have a passion for safety and health.

Webinar Details

Registration and Payment

  • 3-day (24-hour) seminar prescribed by the DOLE for a person to become a Qualified Safety Officer 3 (SO3).
  • Training hours is from 8:00am to 5:00pm
  • Training Fee: PhP 2,700.00
  • Inclusions:
    • Training certificate to be sent via postal mail
    • Soft copy of training materials
  • Other Requirements:​
    1. Valid government ID
    2. Digital 2×2 ID picture
    3. Proof of payment (For payments made through direct bank transfer)
    4. Good internet connection

Enroll Here:

Pay Here:

Registration is completed upon submission of:

  • Valid Government ID
  • Digital 2×2 ID picture