Loss Control Management (LCM) is a 40-hour advance course in health and safety recommended by DOLE. It helps  provide a deeper understanding of accident and illness prevention; and safety and health promotion.

The program helps the participants to be more equipped to control recurring hazards, accidents and work-related illnesses; as well as develop health and safety strategies through interpreting data acquired from previous or ongoing programs.

Why Take The LCM Course?

  • To equip oneself with further training and education in order to control recurring hazards, accidents and work-related illnesses; as well as develop health and safety strategies through interpreting data acquired from previous or ongoing programs.​​

  • When one is already an SO2, the career path now takes to the fast lane and the decision to become an SO3 puts one in the drivers’ seat.  The safety officer 3 embraces a management role where he/she steers the health and safety committee and leads the band of safety advocates onward.  In LCM, one manages the loss brought about by accidents, injuries and illnesses. LCM is a module to coach the SO3 to understand program planning in OSH. 

Who can take the LCM Course?

  • All Safety Officers 2 (SO2) who want to become an SO3 in compliance to the law;

  • SO3’s who want to become Safety Officer 4 (SO4);

  • Business owners who care about the safety and health of their employees; and

  • Individuals who have a passion for safety and health.

Webinar Details

Registration and Payment

  • 5-Day (40-hour) online safety training.
  • Training hours is from 8:00am to 5:00pm
  • Training Fee: PhP 4,500.00
  • Inclusions:
    • Training certificate to be sent via postal mail

    • Soft copy of training materials

  • Other Requirements:
    1. Valid government ID
    2. Digital 2×2 ID picture
    3. Proof of payment (For payments made through direct bank transfer)
    4. Good internet connection

Enroll Here:

Pay Here:

Registration is completed upon submission of:

  • Valid Government ID
  • Digital 2×2 ID picture