Construction Occupational Safety &Health (COSH), is a 40-hour OSH training course prescribed by DOLE under Department Order (DO)-198-18 and the Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS) Rule 1030, to accredit Safety Officers in the construction industry

The course includes:

  • Listing of the provisions in the OSH Standards that applies to your industry;

  • Identifying the factors that lead to accidents and work-related illnesses and their risk levels (HIRAC);

  • Preparing comprehensive checklists for effective safety inspections;

  • Enumerating the steps for effective accident investigations;

  • Preparing OSH-Administrative Reportorial Requirements;

  • Outlining the components of a health and safety program.

Graduates of this course become Qualified Safety Officers Level 2 (SO2).

Why Take COSH for SO2 Course?

  • To comply with the law. A company, depending on size and risk classification, is required to have a Safety Officer to understand what is needed to identify & control hazards and prevent accidents and illnesses in the workplace, thereby increasing productivity and keeping your co-workers safe and healthy at the same time.

  • Avoid penalty: A company in the medium to high risk classification without the required SO2 maybe penalized P40,000 per day and another P40,000 per day if found without any Safety & Health Program

Who can take COSH for SO2 Course?

  • All employees

  • Company Executives, Training Directors, HR and Facilities Managers, Security Personnel, Pollution Control Officers

  • Industries related to Construction, Contracting Repairs Engineering, Architecture, Industrial Design, etc.

  • Business owners (Construction and contractual firms that provide services like Plumbing, Electrical installations, Painting, Water-proofing, Form Works; Scaffolding, Erectors, masonry, etc.);

  • People who rent out heavy equipment (mobile and stationary)

  • COO (Children Of Owners of Family Businesses)

  • Fresh college graduates or college seniors.

  • Those who want to venture into a career in safety.

  • SO2’s and SO3’s who want a refresher course;

  • Individuals who have a passion for safety & health.


Webinar Details

Registration and Payment

  • 5-day (40-hour) seminar prescribed by the DOLE for a person to become a Qualified Safety Officer 2 (SO2).
  • Training hours is from 8:00am to 5:00pm
  • Training Fee: PhP 4,500.00
  • Inclusions:
    • Training certificate to be sent via postal mail
    • Soft copy of training materials
    • Soft copy of Yellow Book
  • Other Requirements:
    1. Valid government ID
    2. Digital 2×2 ID picture
    3. Proof of payment (For payments made through direct bank transfer)
    4. Good internet connection

Enroll Here:

Pay Here:

Registration is completed upon submission of:

  • Valid Government ID
  • Digital 2×2 ID picture